Tournament Rules
- 2 person team; Heaviest weight
- 2 Day Hybrid Tournament (live weigh in + Catch, Photo, Video Release)
- 4 unders (weighed-in) + 2 overs (CPR) OR 5 unders (weighed -in) + 1 over (CPR) OR 6 unders (weighed-in)
(An over is any fish that hits the 55cm mark on The Judge Ruler)
- 2 photos plus 1 video
: Hero Shot
: Live Release Video of Big Fish
(Reason for video release now is because of 2 big fish per day, per boat. Video must show fish on bumpboard, angler will take fish off and safely release fish back into the water)
Submission phone number: 204-340-1090
- Boat inspections begin @ 6:00am and run until 8:00am
- Tournament volunteers will conduct boat inspections at the top of the hill prior to each boat entering the water and will flag and record each boat as completed.
- Failure to have boat recorded as inspected before taking off will result in disqualification.
- Volunteers will check for: appropriate Personal Floatation Device for each team member; ensuring live wells are empty; contents of all boat compartments to be in accordance with tournament rules, properly affixed boat number on right side of boat
- Each team will be given a serial numbered JUDGE ruler to use for your overs. Please make sure the serial number is visible in your photos so we can identify that fish to your boat number. Please make sure the entire bumpboard is in the photos. There will be a 0.25 pound penalty if I cannot see both ends of the bumpboard.
- Fishing hours 8:00am – 4:00pm and 8:15am – 4:15pm according to flight time. All times are based on GPS
- Trickle start 2 flights if necessary: 8:00am, 8:15am
- Please place your boat number on the right side of your boat
- Boats taking off before being called will be disqualified. Boats missing their call must wait until all boats in the field (or their flight if applicable) have taken off before leaving.
- All anglers must possess a Manitoba Fishing License or an Indian Status Card
- All competitive fishing event participants must adhere to Manitoba Fishery Regulations, 1987 and provincial and federal Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) regulations
- Boundaries have been put in place and inspections will occur throughout both days of fishing. Please refer to the boundaries sheet for GPS coordinates.
- Entries will continue to be received until Friday night of the event unless the maximum number of boats has been reached before that time.
- All Sauger, Saugeye and Walleye are eligible to be weighed in.​​
- No passing of items between boats during fishing hours.
- No fisherman will be allowed to go to shore, except at the fishing dock - Boats must stay 15ft apart during fishing hours
- No boats coming in late will be allowed fish weigh in
- The fish tail will be pinched to the width of the JUDGE when measured.
- Competitors are not to be under the influence directly before and during tournament hours.
- Competitors are required to wear approved Personal Floatation Devices whenever the boat is on plane or travelling beyond trolling or drifting speed.
- Emergency contact number will be provided at rules meeting as well as at the end of these sheets.
- The well-being of any/all fish caught during the tournament shall be of the utmost priority of each competitor. The return of dead fish up to the scales will result in disqualification.
- Scales open at 9:00am each morning. Early weigh-in will close at 3:15pm; each team must wait until their weighin order tag number is called after this time.
- The weighmaster will be measuring all fish with their backs away from him, mouth closed to the butt of the board and pinching their tails to the width of the Judge Ruler. If the tail touches the 55cm line while being pinched, it is deemed as an over and you will be disqualified.
- Courtesy measurements are allowed.
- We have the official ruler board if anyone would like to come and have a look. The Official Judge Ruler provided by the Tournament Directors will be the sole measuring device used to determine length at weigh-in.
- We ask you to please keep your fish in your live wells as long as possible at the dock. We will call you up when we are ready for you. We do not want you waiting in line with your fish in dry tubs.
- Dock hands are not responsible for handling your fish unless stated by the captain of that boat and they are already in the tub.
- Stressed fish will be deemed as any fish not swimming upright. There will be a 16oz (1 pound) penalty for any stressed fish.
- In the unlikely event that the fish is dropped mishandled by the weighmaster, and deemed stressed, the team will not be penalized on their official weight.
- Competitors who have been disqualified will not be entitled to a refund of their entry fee.
- Protests of contravention of rules must be submitted directly to the Tournament Organizers accompanied with $300 cash before the completion of weigh-ins. Fee will be refunded if allegations are found to be justified and result in a change in the final standing.
- If a disqualification is to occur on Day 1, you will not be able to fish on Day 2.
- There will be no refund of cancellations 2 weeks prior to the 6:00pm Rules Meeting on Friday.
- The tournament director, weighmaster, promoters, sponsors, organizers, hosts, affiliated organizations, are not responsible for any or all death, injury, liability, fire, damage, theft or loss that may result in prior, during or after the tournament however so caused.
- All competitors will have signed their entry form acknowledging they have read and understand all rules associated with our tournament on our website.
- It is the goal of the Tournament Coordinators to organize a fair and sportsmanlike competitive event, in all cases the ‘spirit of the rule’ will apply.
No deposits will be accepted to hold boat numbers for next year. This eliminates cash transactions between the anglers and tournament executive. Entry for 2025 will be live on our website Friday night at 8:00pm.
STEVE 1-204-340-1090
On behalf of the St Georges Voyageurs, we want to thank you for coming out, wish you all the best out on the water and look forward to weighing in your bags! Stay safe, have fun and compete hard!